Beau Williams
...can I see his resume'?

Beau Williams

PO Box 2391, Clackamas, OR 97015-2391            (503) 449-6196     

Compliance / Process Design / Document Analysis & Development /

Project Management / Operational Audits / Change Management

Highlighted Skills and experience


Supervision and management of various levels of production and analytical staff, including budgeting and work-flow analysis. 

+ Relationship-management skills in interacting with government, clients, legal counsel, industry peers and the public. 

+  Compliance activities, including regulatory; contract; provider; HIPAA, process and corporate compliance perspectives. . 

+  Resolution of conflicting ideas, attitudes and approaches to achieve shared outcomes.    

+  Analyzing, interpreting, repackaging and communicating complex information into components tailored to specific audiences. 

+   Managing projects of varying complexities and scope, from single-process reviews to corporate-wide business reengineering. 

+   Development and quality-analysis of a wide variety of documentation, from corporate policy to marketing materials to public communications.

+ System application development, computer hardware and software upgrades, liaison between technical and non-technical associates.


Illustrative Accomplishments

Developed a database for tracking and managing customized contract language.  The requests for customized language from Regence’s contracted partners were growing in both number and complexity and had outpaced the available resources.  I reviewed the history of the requests, condensed them into categories and digestible synopses.  Then I created an Access database to capture and report on the customizations, allowing management to track trends and unintended impacts, as well as immediately reducing duplication of effort.

Improved business relations with regulatory agency, setting the stage for an increase in renewing clients.  Newly acquired division had consistently failed compliance audits resulting in an increasingly harmful relationship with government regulator and dangerously inconsistent administration.  I analyzed and streamlined the audit processes, and I implemented relationship management techniques with the agency, improving communications with regulators and liberating the company’s sales efforts.

Completely restructured a production/analysis department to address evolving client needs.  Discovered the sales force had realigned itself geographically instead of by product. Restructured existing support groups, establishing new roles and responsibilities corresponding with geography. Instituted process improvements, ensuring proactive timely response to sales staff. Developed and led change management process, enhancing internal communications.

Designed and implemented multiple iterations of a new document-management system.  The growth in the number of clients and the documentation to support their contracts was rapidly outpacing the production and tracking tools of the department.  Designed the system application requirements, designed and presented the executive presentations, developed tools for training both the users and I.S. staff, wrote the testing scripts and protocols, led and coordinated the implementation, developed all communication tools to affected internal and external clients and addressed all change-management concerns. 

"One hundred percent of the shots you don't take…don't go in." - Wayne Gretzky